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Summer Safety Tips


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With more people outdoors and participating in activities, we must take precautions to ensure the safety of our community. We want to remind everyone to prioritize safety and responsibility during this season of relaxation and fun.

Whether swimming, enjoying a neighborhood barbeque, or spending time with family and friends, please be mindful of your surroundings and avoid accidents or injury.

Due to increased outdoor activities and travel during summer, remind all drivers in your family to follow traffic laws and never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Please ensure everyone traveling in the vehicle is wearing their seatbelt and it is properly buckled.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has the following tips for a healthy summer:

  • Eat healthy food to support muscles, strengthen bones, and boost immunity.
  • Drink water instead of sugary or alcoholic drinks.
  • Participate in at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week.
  • Stay cool, hydrated, and informed about extreme heat in the area.
  • Wear sunscreen (SPF of at least 15) and insect repellent.


For more information on safety and health during summertime, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


The Pine Bluff Police Department wishes everyone a happy, safe, and healthy summer season.


Chief Denise Richardson